Upper Eyelid Filler

Upper Eyelid Filler

Upper Eyelid Filler: The Path to a Youthful Gaze

Our face shows signs of aging from top to bottom over time, and one of the most noticeable changes occurs around the eyes. As we age, the looseness of the skin and volume loss increases. Deformations occurring particularly on the upper eyelid can make individuals appear more tired and older. However, with a small filler application, it is possible to leave these signs behind and gain a more youthful and vibrant appearance.

What is Upper Eyelid Filler?

Upper eyelid filler is an aesthetic procedure performed using hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers. This procedure aims to compensate for the loss of subcutaneous tissues due to aging and to achieve a taut, youthful appearance of the upper eyelid skin.

Why Should You Consider Upper Eyelid Filler?

Filler applications to the eyelids provide a more rested appearance, potentially delaying the need for eyelid surgery. The loss of subcutaneous tissues with age leads to sagging skin. Filler applications intervene in these changes, offering a non-surgical solution. Upper eyelid filler can be an ideal alternative for a more youthful appearance.

Is There an Age Limit?

The official age limit for upper eyelid filler is 18. However, most individuals do not require this procedure before their 30s, as the loss of subcutaneous tissues typically begins around this age.

Active Ingredient Used

Upper eyelid filler is performed with hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers. Since hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally found in the skin, this procedure not only provides volume but also improves skin quality.

Will It Hurt?

This procedure, which takes an average of 20 minutes, is almost painless. It offers a comfortable and practical experience.

Combination Applications

One of the biggest advantages of upper eyelid filler is that it can be easily combined with other aesthetic procedures. The filler can be done on the same day as Botulinum Toxin and other clinical applications. Additionally, since it does not require a recovery period, patients can quickly return to their daily lives after the procedure.

Duration of Effects

The duration of this filler application is typically between 18 to 24 months. To maintain the effects, it is recommended to repeat the procedure during this period. Regular applications may also increase the duration of effectiveness.

What You Should Know About Upper Eyelid Filler

  • Reliable Application: A safe procedure performed in a clinical environment.
  • Objective: To provide a youthful and taut appearance to the eyelid skin, which starts to sag due to loss of subcutaneous tissues.
  • Combination Options: Can be performed together with other fillers and Botulinum Toxin applications.
  • Painless Application: The procedure is almost painless.
  • Durability: Effective for an average of 2 years.
  • Quick Return to Social Life: After the application, patients can comfortably continue their social lives.

Upper eyelid filler is a practical and effective solution for achieving a youthful and lively appearance. If you are concerned about changes around your eyes, this application may be the perfect alternative for you!

For detailed information and your questions, you can contact us via E-mail. If you prefer, you can follow us on our Instagram page.

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