Under Eye Light Filling

Under Eye Light Filling

Under-Eye Light Filler: A Non-Surgical Solution for Youthful and Vibrant Eyes

The aging process becomes noticeable on our faces from top to bottom, and the eye area, having the thinnest skin layer, shows the first signs of these changes. Factors such as stress, fatigue, and irregular sleep can also lead to problems like dark circles, bruising, and puffiness under the eyes. Under-eye light filler offers an effective and non-surgical way to tackle these issues.

What is Under-Eye Light Filler?

Under-eye light filler is an aesthetic procedure performed using hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers. This procedure aims to restore volume loss under the eyes and reduce bruising and puffiness.

How is the Procedure Performed?

Under-eye light filler is conducted in a safe and comfortable environment. The area is sterilized before the procedure, and then a skilled doctor carefully performs the filler application. Given the delicate skin tissue under the eyes, the intervention of an experienced specialist is crucial. Injections made with the correct technique alleviate hollowness under the eyes, providing a brighter and more vibrant appearance.

Is the Procedure Painful?

The under-eye light filler, which takes an average of 15 minutes, is considered an almost painless procedure. Most patients only experience a slight discomfort during the process.

When are the Effects Visible?

An immediate brightening effect is observed after the application, but the final results usually become apparent within 3-4 days. Filler applied with the correct patient selection and planning reduces bruising and puffiness under the eyes, resulting in a more youthful and dynamic look.

Duration of Effects

Under-eye light filler typically lasts between 12 to 18 months. To maintain the effects, it is recommended to refresh the treatment at regular intervals. Regular applications may also increase the duration of the results.

Who are Suitable Candidates?

Anyone over the age of 18 who experiences dark circles, bruising, and puffiness under their eyes is a suitable candidate for under-eye light filler. This procedure is ideal for men and women seeking a more youthful and dynamic appearance.

Number of Sessions

The under-eye light filler procedure is completed in a single session, making it a practical aesthetic solution.


Under-eye light filler offers an effective solution against signs of fatigue and aging, revitalizing the appearance around your eyes. If you are looking for a non-surgical, quick, and comfortable method, under-eye light filler could be an excellent option. Consider this procedure to bring new life to your eyes!

For detailed information and your questions, you can contact us via E-mail. If you prefer, you can follow us on our Instagram page.

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